About Us

I'm a high school business teacher from the Chicagoland area who has been lucky enough to teach an entrepreneurship class the last eight years - Business INCubatoredu - that empowers students to find their passion and their love of entrepreneurship.
In that time I've had countless students, parents, and volunteers ask me if I've started a business, and my answer was always, "no but I want to."
Well, that "want to" has now changed to "I have". I've taken my love of entrepreneurship and my general goofiness to create funny (hopefully) t-shirts, stickers, magnets, and more targeted towards that favorite person in our lives, the Suburban Dad!
Browse the site and see if there's anything you like! Being a teacher, I've also worked extensively w/ my school's Advertising class, and I've incorporated some student inspired designs as well.
I appreciate you taking the time to look around and support some guy's goofy side hustle!